Siirry sisältöön
Nessol D60E

Nessol D60E

Product number 137511, 137520

Package sizes

  • Tynnyri 200 l
  • 20 l kannu


Clear and Bright
D 4176-1
Min: -
Max: 0.1
% v/v
EN 12916
Min: -
Max: 100
NM 111
Saybolt väri
Min: +30
Max: -
ASTM D 6045
Min: -
Max: Negat.
ASTM D 4952
Leimahduspiste, APcc
Min: 61
Max: -
DIN 51755

The Solvent Emission Directive (EU Directive 1999/13/EC) limits emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). This directive defines a VOC as any organic compound having a vapour pressure of 0.01 kPa of more at + 293.15 K (+ 20 °C). Vapour pressure of Nessol D60E at + 20 °C is > 0.01 kPa, measured.

Nessol D60E includes proved emusifiable additive. The product forms emulsion with water. The usage is not recommended below -10 °C. If the product has been stored below -10 °C, it must be heated and mixed well before usage.

The product will comply with the spesification according to the procedures described in ISO 4259.

Concerning safe use of the products, we refer to the Safety Data Sheets and User's Guides published by Neste Oyj.

Technical properties

Clear and Bright
D 4176-1
Min: -
Max: 0.1
% v/v
EN 12916
Min: -
Max: 100
NM 111
Saybolt väri
Min: +30
Max: -
ASTM D 6045
Min: -
Max: Negat.
ASTM D 4952
Leimahduspiste, APcc
Min: 61
Max: -
DIN 51755

The Solvent Emission Directive (EU Directive 1999/13/EC) limits emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). This directive defines a VOC as any organic compound having a vapour pressure of 0.01 kPa of more at + 293.15 K (+ 20 °C). Vapour pressure of Nessol D60E at + 20 °C is > 0.01 kPa, measured.

Nessol D60E includes proved emusifiable additive. The product forms emulsion with water. The usage is not recommended below -10 °C. If the product has been stored below -10 °C, it must be heated and mixed well before usage.

The product will comply with the spesification according to the procedures described in ISO 4259.

Concerning safe use of the products, we refer to the Safety Data Sheets and User's Guides published by Neste Oyj.