Siirry sisältöön
Neste Futura 98 E5

Neste Futura 98 E5

Product number 130178

Package sizes

  • No packaging


Clear and Bright
ASTM D4176-1
Aromatic content
Min: -
Max: 35.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 22854
Benzene content
Min: -
Max: 1.00
% (V/V)
EN ISO 22854
Copper strip corrosion 3h 50 °C
Min: -
Max: 1
EN ISO 2160
Density 15 °C
Min: 720
Max: 775
EN ISO 12185
Distillation final boiling point
Min: -
Max: 210.0
EN ISO 3405
Distillation recovered 100 °C
Min: 46.0
Max: 71.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 3405
Distillation recovered 150 °C
Min: 75.0
Max: -
% (V/V)
EN ISO 3405
Distillation recovered 70 °C (Summer)
Min: 20.0
Max: 48.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 3405
Distillation recovered 70 °C (Winter)
Min: 22.0
Max: 50.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 3405
Distillation residue
Min: -
Max: 2.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 3405
Ethanol content
Min: -
Max: 5.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 22854
Ethers min 5 carbon atoms
Min: -
Max: 15.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 22854
Existent gum content
Min: -
Max: 3
mg/100 ml
EN ISO 6246
Lead content
Min: -
Max: 5.0
ASTM D8110
EN 237
Octane number, MON
Min: 87.0
Max: -
EN ISO 5163
Octane number, RON
Min: 98.0
Max: -
EN ISO 5164
Olefin content
Min: -
Max: 18.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 22854
Oxidation stability
Min: 360
Max: -
EN ISO 7536
Min: -
Max: 2.7
% (m/m)
EN ISO 22854
Sulphur content
Min: -
Max: 10.0
EN ISO 20846
Vapour lock index
Min: -
Max: 1250
SFS 5979:2010
Vapour pressure (Summer)
Min: 45.0
Max: 70.0
EN 13016-1
Vapour pressure (Winter)
Min: 60.0
Max: 90.0
EN 13016-1

The product meets directive 2009/30/EC, regulation 1206/2010 and standard EN228/2012.

Product is manufactured without phosphorus containing components.

Methanol or metal additives are not added to the product.

The product will comply with the spesification according to the procedures described in ISO 4259.

The products are delivered: summer 1.5.-31.8. and winter 1.9.-30.4.

* NM refers to Neste's in-house method.

Concerning safe use of the products, we refer to the Safety Data Sheets and User's Guides published by Neste Oyj.

Technical properties

Clear and Bright
ASTM D4176-1
Aromatic content
Min: -
Max: 35.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 22854
Benzene content
Min: -
Max: 1.00
% (V/V)
EN ISO 22854
Copper strip corrosion 3h 50 °C
Min: -
Max: 1
EN ISO 2160
Density 15 °C
Min: 720
Max: 775
EN ISO 12185
Distillation final boiling point
Min: -
Max: 210.0
EN ISO 3405
Distillation recovered 100 °C
Min: 46.0
Max: 71.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 3405
Distillation recovered 150 °C
Min: 75.0
Max: -
% (V/V)
EN ISO 3405
Distillation recovered 70 °C (Summer)
Min: 20.0
Max: 48.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 3405
Distillation recovered 70 °C (Winter)
Min: 22.0
Max: 50.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 3405
Distillation residue
Min: -
Max: 2.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 3405
Ethanol content
Min: -
Max: 5.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 22854
Ethers min 5 carbon atoms
Min: -
Max: 15.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 22854
Existent gum content
Min: -
Max: 3
mg/100 ml
EN ISO 6246
Lead content
Min: -
Max: 5.0
ASTM D8110
EN 237
Octane number, MON
Min: 87.0
Max: -
EN ISO 5163
Octane number, RON
Min: 98.0
Max: -
EN ISO 5164
Olefin content
Min: -
Max: 18.0
% (V/V)
EN ISO 22854
Oxidation stability
Min: 360
Max: -
EN ISO 7536
Min: -
Max: 2.7
% (m/m)
EN ISO 22854
Sulphur content
Min: -
Max: 10.0
EN ISO 20846
Vapour lock index
Min: -
Max: 1250
SFS 5979:2010
Vapour pressure (Summer)
Min: 45.0
Max: 70.0
EN 13016-1
Vapour pressure (Winter)
Min: 60.0
Max: 90.0
EN 13016-1

The product meets directive 2009/30/EC, regulation 1206/2010 and standard EN228/2012.

Product is manufactured without phosphorus containing components.

Methanol or metal additives are not added to the product.

The product will comply with the spesification according to the procedures described in ISO 4259.

The products are delivered: summer 1.5.-31.8. and winter 1.9.-30.4.

* NM refers to Neste's in-house method.

Concerning safe use of the products, we refer to the Safety Data Sheets and User's Guides published by Neste Oyj.